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January 2023 Ramsbury Bird Notes by Paul Swan

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

The fieldfare and redwings have finally arrived and joined the hundreds of golden plovers on Spring Hill. If walking in the conditions beautifully described by Peter, you will recognise the fieldfares by their call – it really is a chuckle. All these birds really make up a lovely part of a cold winter scene.

I have again had reports of a large white egret on the edge of the village. This is possibly ‘Edgar’ who has been with us for the last two winters. He is particularly partial to goldfish but will have to be patient until the ponds thaw!

I have seen several flocks of starlings, some over a hundred strong, starting to gather in the late afternoon. In January, these will merge into huge ‘murmurations’ which really are a true wonder of nature. While the Somerset levels are famous for truly huge numbers, we have had some impressive dusk sightings at the Newbury Nature discovery centre, which is well worth a visit.

In the garden the birds are very busy indeed. The blackbirds, tits, finches, sparrows, blackbirds, and robins are all very active and very hungry. The bird feeders are making up for the lack of food in the wild, but don’t forget that birds need water. A shallow bowl of water will attract many of our garden birds in need of a drink or an all-important wash and preen.

RAINFALL by Robert


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